“Tuonpuoleinen” is considered to be something contra to everyday or mundane,
it is beyond of our usual concepts of reality.
“Tuonpuoleinen” reveals itself while experienced,
and it can be both scary and divine at the same time.
“Tuonpuoleinen” can consist of different other realms
like the womb, graves or cemeteries,
strange or unknown villages and lands,
or to be enchanted by the spirits.”
This is project by Sisko Pajari and Kalle Kuisma.
Tuonpuoleinen is painting, sound art, installation,
website https://tuonpuoleinen.fi/
and movie (Trailer from here) https://vimeo.com/user345700.
Do you want to see this movie ”Tuolla puolen”. Send private massage in Messenger, Instagram or Linked-in.
Jumikeko, Kuhmo 10.10.-23.12.2021 http://www.juminkeko.fi/
This exhibition is supported by Taike, Karjalan sivistysseura, Infinite MHO oy, Vienan portti Oy, Kulttuurilahja and many individuals. We are grateful for your support!

Venehjärven kalmisto, oil on board.