Maalauksia kauniista Vienan Karjalasta

Viena aiheisia maalauksia esillä 13.-30.9.2022 Karjalatalon ala-aulassa

Karjalatalon aukioloaikoina ma-pe 10-18(19).

Avajaiset ti 13.9.2022 klo 17-19


“Tuonpuoleinen” is considered to be something contra to everyday or mundane,
it is beyond of our usual concepts of reality.
“Tuonpuoleinen” reveals itself while experienced,
and it can be both scary and divine at the same time.
“Tuonpuoleinen” can consist of different other realms
like the womb, graves or cemeteries,
strange or unknown villages and lands,
or to be enchanted by the spirits.”

This is project by Sisko Pajari and Kalle Kuisma.

Tuonpuoleinen is painting, sound art, installation,


and movie (Trailer from here)

Do you want to see this movie ”Tuolla puolen”. Send private massage in Messenger, Instagram or Linked-in.

Jumikeko, Kuhmo 10.10.-23.12.2021

This exhibition is supported by Taike, Karjalan sivistysseura, Infinite MHO oy, Vienan portti Oy, Kulttuurilahja and many individuals. We are grateful for your support!

Venehjärven kalmisto, oil on board.

Diploma works in 2019-2020

Painters degree from Free Art School, Helsinki Finland, includes 4 years of full time studies, of which 1 year for Diploma works.

In my diploma I concentrated on the theme of motherhood and mother and child bond. My theme has been personal since I am mother of one child, at the time 4-years of age. Tutors for my work were Jukka Korkeila and Camilla Vuorenmaa.

My diploma works are seven paintings in acrylics, egg tempera, oil colors, video and installation from children clothes. Works have been exhibited in July 2020 in Forum Box (Helsinki), in August 2020 Hirvitalo (Tampere) and in October 2020 Cable Factory (Helsinki).

My work was supported by Taike’s grant.

Graduation process also included giving lecture, writing essay and text for catalog, also giving and receiving critique on works.

Leikkuulauta Madonna / Chopping board Madonna, 59,5 x 39,5 cm, tempera on wood.
Päivätär ja Päivän poika / Sun-daughter and Sun’s son, 130 x 100  cm, oil on canvas.
Päivätär ja Päivän poika with installation Rätei, lumpui ja kyynelii /Rags, cloths and tears in Forum Box. Accompanied by my son Kaarne Kuisma.

Babyblues, 87 x 93, cm, tempera on wood.
Pazzi Madonna marble relief by Donatello dating around 1425-1430 has been model for two of my works Babyblues and Roskien Madonna.
Roskien Madonna / Trash Madonna, 89 x 94 cm, acrylics and collage of found trash on board. Standing with my son Kaarne in Cable Factory exhibition. Notice his drawing.
Kuutar/ Moon Goddess, 130 x 210 cm, acrylics and oil on canvas. Picture taken in Forum Box.
Ruokatauko / Feed, 73 x 89 cm, oil on canvas, exhibited in Hirvitalo.
Marjatta / My Little Berry, video 3:28 min was supported by Taike. Exhibited in Forum Box.

Äitijumalattaret ja naiseus –

Taiteen ja taidehistorian yhtymäkohdassa. Seminaariluento 9.1.2020 Vapaassa taidekoulussa.

Olen 4. vsk opiskelija Vapaassa taidekoulussa. Luokkatoverieni tapaan maalaan parhaillaan teoksia huhti-toukokuussa Valssaamossa, Kaapelitehtaalla pidettävää lopputyönäyttelyä varten. Teokseni ”Babyblues” on maalattu tempera tekniikalla ja se on osa teoskokonaisuutta, joka käsittelee äitiyttä. Teos on vielä keskeneräinen. Maalaaminen on yksi hienoimpia juttuja, mitä ihmiskunta osaa tehdä. Toivon, että ihmiset alkavat herätä konsumerismin unesta ja näkevät meille keskeiset asiat kirkkaina. Tällä planeetalla ei ole ihmiselle tai sen lapsille tulevaisuutta, jos ympäristöstä ei pidetä huolta.

Mother Goddesses and womanhood – at the junction of art and art history.

01/09/2020 I had my seminar lecture at Free Art School. This is part of graduating from four year studies becoming a painter. Like my classmates, I am currently painting for a Diploma Exhibition at the Cable Factory in Valssaamo, in April-May. My painting below ”Babyblues” is painted with tempera and is part of a serie of works on motherhood. The work is still unfinished. Painting is one of the coolest things humanity can do. I hope that people will start to wake up from the dream of consumerism and see clearly the most important things for all of us. This planet has no future for humankind and it’s children unless environment is taken care the best.

Kuva: Taape Tikka